1.6 Integration in a Leaflet viewer
The following image shows the viewer https://eines.icgc.cat/geocodificador_visor/, implemented with Leaflet, which contains a search engine for addresses and toponyms, where as the user types the text to be searched, requests are sent to the geocoding service, until the desired item and its location on the map are found.
Submitted requests use the autocompletar operation with the text parameter containing the text entered by the user.
An example of these requests is https://eines.icgc.cat/geocodificador/autocompletar?text=nou%203&layers=topo1%2Ctopo2%2Caddress&size=5
Viewer with queries to the ICGC Geocoding service explains in detail how to access the viewer and how it has been implemented.
It can be downloaded from: https://github.com/OpenICGC/leaflet-geocodericgc-plugin