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Reverse search

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The invers operation (reverse geocoding) searches for the closest addresses, place names or kilometric points to a given geographic point, specified by its latitude and longitude.

The result is obtained in GeoJSON format.

For example, to search for the address closest to the coordinates 41.385965, 2.16687, you must make the request address, which has the answer:

Building the query

The API request is built from the URL, followed by the ? sign and the sequence of parameters, separated by the sign &.

The parameters are as follows:

The types of data to search can be differentiated by indicating the layers parameter, with the following values:

.address: postal addresses

. tops: all toponyms

.topo_tipus_id: toponyms of type id, where id is a string of numbers between 1 and 22, adding leading 0 if less than 10. For example: topo_tipus_01 to search for Caps de municipi. The table with the types of toponyms and their identifiers can be consulted at Toponyms table

The following values ​​can be indicated to segregate the toponyms into two groups:

.topo1: toponyms referring to population groups (municipalities, capitals of municipalities, population entities, disseminated and neighborhoods)

.topo2: rest of toponyms.

.pk: kilometric point.

Example, to find toponyms: []({target="_blank"}
  • size: is used to define the maximum number of results

By default, up to 10 results of each of the types indicated in layers are returned. A different number can be specified with the size parameter. The maximum value is 40.

For example, to find a single place name:

  • com: to filter by 'comarca'

The com parameter allows you to specify the name of the 'comarca' or its identifier.

You can consult the list of 'comarca' in Table of regions

Examples: ( indicating the name of the 'comarca') ( indicating 'comarca''s identifier)

  • mun: to filter by municipality

The mun parameter allows you to specify the name of the municipality or its identifier.

The list of municipalities can be consulted at Table of municipalities


[]({target="_blank"}  ( indicating the name of the municipality)

[]({target="_blank"} ( indicating municipality's identifier)

Input parameters

Parameter Type Mandatory Description Default value Example
lat floating point number Yes latitude 41.385965
lon floating point number Yes longitude 2.094256 floating point number No search circle radius (km) 1 0.5
layers text string No Type of elements to search: [address, tops, topo_tipus_id, topo1, topo2, pk] topo1,topo2,address,pk address,topo1
size integer No Number of results. The maximum is 40 10 5
com text string No Identifier of a 'comarca'', within which you want to restrict the search none 01
mun text string No Identifier of a municipality, within which you want to restrict the search none 080018

Output parameters

Results are returned in GeoJSON format.

The element has the fields described in the following table:

Field Description Applicable to elements
layer Type of element. The possible values ​​are those indicated in the input layers parameter All
etiqueta Field Aggregation. By address: portal street, municipality ('llogaret'). Note: If the 'llogaret' coincides with the municipality, it is not indicated. By place names: place name, municipality.By kilometric point: road km All
municipi Municipality. In some toponyms, there is no municipality assigned and it takes the value "-" Addresses and toponyms
id_municipi Municipi ID. In some toponyms, there is no municipality assigned and it takes the value "" Addresses and toponyms
comarca 'comarca'. In some toponyms, there is no 'comarca' assigned and it takes the value "-" Addresses and toponyms
id_comarca 'comarca' ID. In some toponyms, there is no 'comarca' assigned and it takes the value "" Addresses and toponyms
llogaret 'llogaret' Addresses
portal Housenumber of the address Addresses
nom Name of the street, isolated building or toponym Addresses and toponyms
tipus_via Street type Addresses
codi_postal Postal code Addresses
addendum.origin Scale origin Place names
addendum.zoom Optimum zoom level Place names
addendum.tipus Toponym type Place names
addendum.id_tipus Toponym type identifier Place names
addendum.municipis_extra Other municipalities assigned Place names
addendum.bbox Geographic coordinates of the rectangle containing the street Addresses
addendum.bbox_utm UTM coordinates of the rectangle containing the street Addresses
via Road ID Kilometric point
km KM (to 1 decimal places) Kilometric point

Output examples according to layer type

Postal address
Kilometric point