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Types of toponyms

The table shows the different types of toponyms, which can be indicated to filter the results.

More information in Filter according to toponym type

ID Type Concept
01 'Cap de municipi' Capital of municipality
02 'Municipi Municipality (only when the name does not coincide with that of its Capital)
03 'Entitat de població' Population entity
04 'Edificació' Isolated building
06 'Massís, Serra' Massif, mountain range
07 'Orografia' Relief and topography (plain, valley...)
08 'Cim' Peak, peak, hill
10 'Relleu del Litoral' Coastal relief (head, tip...)
11 'Indret' Place, location
12 'Equipament' Equipment, installation, service
13 'Comunicacions' Communications (airport, tunnel...)
14 'Xarxa Hidrogràfica' Hydrographic network (river, stream, stream...)
15 'Element Hidrogràfic' Hydrographic elements (swamp, creek...)
16 'Barri' Urban neighborhood (only in centers with more than 50,000 inhabitants)
17 'Comarca' Comarca
20 'Edificació Històrica' Building of historical or architectural value (hermitage, castle...)
22 'Disseminat' Disseminated population entity